


 “The youthful Carami Hilaire revealed a marvellous soprano sound, rich and luscious from a contralto bottom to easily dispensed high Cs. She gave a sincere, impulsive account of Tosca—a real find.”—David Shengold, Opera News


"In the role of Aida, Carami Hilaire brought an electric vibrancy to her portrayal of the tragic Ethiopian princess. The cries of her unshakable fear rang clear over the chorus in “Alta cagion v’aduna… Guerra, guerra, guerra!” When all but her departed and she sang “Ritorna vincitor,” Hilaire gracefully navigated the vocal leaps that characterized the conflicting states of fear and love. At the end of her Act 2 duet ‘Fu la sorte dell’armi,” Hilaire, after suffering the emotional abuse hurled by Amneris, exits from the stage holding on to the pained C on the second syllable of “pieta” in a way that elicited just that. In Act 3, that vocal grace made a massive return with the aria “O patria mia.” Hilaire’s sonorous phrasing floated over the tumult of the strings, but it was the moments where her voice soared that earned the applause which nearly brought the show to a stop."--Logan Martell, Operawire
